Timeless design and old world craftsmanship.

Leather has long been a draw for me, its beauty and durability combined to be the most exquisite material. Since childhood picking up scraps from under my fathers feet in his fine furniture shop to make my first creations… 

Jared at work cutting down panels to size for a steamer trunk

Jared at work cutting down panels to size for a steamer trunk

… Today you will find in my personal studio, leathers from the worlds finest tanneries in France, Italy, England, and of course here at home in The United States; where I personally hand craft each piece of artisanal quality. My hands are the only ones that come in contact with each creation from the conception of an idea to the finishing touches of detail. These leather goods are intended to last for generations and be an heirloom piece to treasure by those you have handed it down to. The longevity of the pieces I produce go beyond that of hardwearing durability; but also transcend the world of fast fashion with timeless design and elegant style; paired with craftsmanship taken from pages of the old masters before me.

Taking up a fine piece of leather work is like stepping back in time to a slower pace and a world uncompromised by fleeting styles and the cheapest production. I am inspired by the old world, when things were made with pride and beauty and take great satisfaction from portraying that in my work. I trust you will find the product to your liking.

Yours Truly,

J. Greenwood